Global Institute For Training (GIFT) Incorporated

Releasing Skilled Teachers to the Nations

 Online RPL (Recognition of Prior Learning )

An Australian Registered Training Organisation –

RTO Code: 45285

RTO Details –

We are a Registered Training Organisation issuing Australian recognised qualifications through

Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) and Recognition of Current Competencies (RCC)

We only offer an RPL/RCC service but we can direct you to relevant gap training in the event that are any gaps where your previous training and current competencies do not meet the requirements of the qualification.

NRT logo

Why an Australian recognised qualification in TESOL?

A recognised Diploma of TESOL or a Certificate IV in TESOL can open doors to teaching English in many nations.

English is the most widely learned and used foreign language in the world. It is also the official language for international organisation’s, technology, communications, medicine, business, government, law and education. (Wikipedia^) (infographic^)

Teaching English as a second language can empower refugees and immigrants and help them become established in their new home.

Teaching English as a foreign language is a gift to enable many trapped in poverty to overcome their powerlessness and participate in national and global economies.

Our passion is to see skilled and dedicated  English teachers go to the neediest places and empower the poor. For this reason, we seek to enable as many as possible to go to the areas of greatest need by providing a Diploma of TESOL or Certificate IV in TESOL by Recognition of Prior Learning and Recognition of Current Competency at the lowest possible cost.

As an Australian based RTO (Registered Training Organisation) our main focus is to recognise skills that you acquired through prior training or experience through a Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) and/or Recognition of Current Competencies (RCC) process.  However, should your prior training and current skills not meet the requirements of the qualification we can point you towards suitable training to enable you to gain any competencies you still need. 

Australian Qualifications Framework Logo

There are many benefits of having Australian recognised qualifications.  These qualifications have a high reputation internationally because they are issued under the Australian Qualifications Framework^ and all accredited courses must comply with the Standards for Registered Training Organisations (RTOs) 2015^

These standards ensure a high quality of assessment process and back up the value of Australian Qualifications

If you wish to apply for an accredited TESOL Certificate, based on recognition of prior learning and current competency we can send you an information pack.

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